Asset Tracking from the Sky
Drone/UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology is a rapidly moving space and Track’em is pleased to announce that it has combined this technology to create a new aspect to its world class asset tracking solution.
Track’em has successfully trialed a custom UAV equipped with an Active RFID reader to read tags between the heights of 30m-70m in conditions found in typical projects. The combination of RFID technology and UAV allows Track’em to potentially track multiple laydown yards over long distances and hostile terrains with pre-programmed coordinates for an effortless flight.
This new technology provides greater breadth and scope to manage materials on a grand scale with fewer resources, ultimately saving time and money for clients.
‘We believe we were the first company in the world to successfully trial this method of asset tracking. The technology is ever-evolving and Track’em plans to be at the forefront of what it can offer in increasing efficiencies in the asset tracking arena’ said Operations Manager Mark Petersen.
With the ability to take flight, Track’em’s future applications will revolutionise the way we look at asset tracking and management. With the additional application of aerial photography, clients will not only be able to remotely track assets but also gain visual project status when required.
Track’em continues to conduct testing to continue developing UAV technology for tracking.
While the project is still ‘a work in progress’, Track’em is excited in reaching this major milestone in what will surely be the way of the future for Track’em’s RFID technology.